اختيار المعلم

يتم اختيار جميع المدرسين لدينا وفقا لأعلى المعايير

We handpick tutors who embody our educational philosophy & values

A great tutor possesses more than just an impressive CV and academic qualifications. We believe a great tutor can inspire, spark curiosity and shape a student’s future.

We use a stringent selection process to ensure all our tutors are of the highest calibre. We place a high value on a tutor’s positive psychological impact, with confidence building being a key component of our approach.

Our Process

1. Application

Our recruiters evaluate academic performance, teaching experience, and application quality. Our HR and recruitment officer reviews each applicant’s pre-recorded video interview. They look for personality and compatibility.

2. Class Roleplay

If they pass, we invite tutors to a face-to-face interview where they prepare a lesson segment. We evaluate their material understanding, lesson structure, software use, charisma, and ability to break down complex concepts, and adjust to problematic pupils.

3. Pre-selection

Tutors who pass the roleplay exercises must have a two-year-old enhanced DBS check, a professional reference, and academic credentials. Tutors must know our safeguarding policy and have access to our Safeguarding Officer for support and training. 

4. Final Selection

We exclusively select tutors who meet our criteria and adhere to our educational philosophy, or have strong potential. We train them to reach those levels by offering in-depth feedback and one-on-one training seminars. Tutors undertake up to six role-play exercises till we’re satisfied.