Доуниверситетское обучение

Индивидуальные занятия по подготовке к поступлению в университет в Лондоне, Великобритания

Need support with your Pre-University qualifications? Expert Tuition can help!

We offer private one-on-one tutoring sessions with professional tutors who know what it takes to get accepted into some of UK’s most prestigious universities, including Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College London.

A growing number of schools have begun to offer their students the Cambridge Pre-University (Pre-U) qualification as an alternative to A-Levels.

The exams, like A-Levels, are taken at the end of the second year of study (Year 13). Even though the certification is relatively new, we represent a small group of talented Pre-U tutors who have, in most cases, taken the exams themselves.

Expert Tuition specialises in developing students’ academic potential and regularly assisting pupils in achieving high marks.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help.

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Холистический подход

Мы рассматриваем каждый аспект вашего образования, чтобы обеспечить вашу общую уверенность, рост и успех.

Индивидуальное обучение

Наши репетиторские услуги разработаны специально для удовлетворения уникальных образовательных потребностей и целей вашего ребенка.

Гибкое обучение

Наши преподаватели могут проводить как очные, так и онлайн занятия, что обеспечивает удобство и доступность.

Проверенный рекорд

Имея более 10 лет успешной работы в сфере образования, мы обладаем достаточным опытом для достижения исключительных результатов.

Квалифицированные репетиторы

Все наши репетиторы подбираются вручную, имеют высокую квалификацию и стремятся обеспечить самый высокий уровень поддержки.

Руководство для экспертов

Мы готовы помочь вам на протяжении всего академического пути вашего ребенка, начиная с выбора школы и заканчивая поступлением в университет.


Часто задаваемые вопросы

The Pre-U qualification, taught over two years, is an alternative to A-Levels or IB. The qualification has developed a strong reputation for preparing students for the rigours of university.

As of 2021, there were 25 principal subjects available for students to take. Some schools offer their students the opportunity to combine A-Level subjects with Pre-U subjects, but for those who exclusively do the Pre-U, students typically do 3-4 subjects.

If a minimum of 3 Pre-U subjects is taken alongside a course in Global Perspectives and Research, students will attain a Cambridge Pre-U Diploma.

You can find the full list of subjects here.

Grades range from Distinction 1 (D1) through to U (Ungraded). The benchmark with which Pre-U grades are understood and compared are A-Level grades. The breakdown is as follows:

Distinction 1 (D1) – higher than an A* grade at A-Level
Distinction 2 (D2) – equivalent to an A* at A-Level
Distinction 3 (D3) – equivalent to an A grade at A-Level
Merit 1 (M1) – slightly lower than an A but higher than a B at A-Level
Merit 2 (M2) – slightly higher than a B grade at A-Level
Merit 3 (M3) – equivalent to a C grade at A-Level
Pass 1 (P1) – equivalent to a C grade at A-Level
Pass 2 (P2) – equivalent to a D grade at A-Level
Pass 3 (P3) – equivalent to an E grade at A-Level
Ungraded (U) – fail